Dear Prayer Partners,
There is a Scripture that has been sounding an echo in my heart for the last couple of months and I have been sharing it with those whom I am discipleing; it says, “In all labor there is profit, but the talk of the lips tendeth only to destitution.” (Proverbs 14:23).
To us this has been a proclamation of faith that stands together with Paul’s exhortation of encouragement in 1 Corinthians 15:58, where he says, “Wherefore, my beloved brothers, you be firm, immovable, abounding in the work of the Lord always, knowing that your labor is not without fruit in the Lord.” With such tremendous promises, of a surety we know that all of our labor will result in God’s perfect will being done here in Cáceres.
Trying to Learn Chinese – The Value of One
I’ve mentioned before that our congregation is quite international with people that have been saved not only from other parts of Europe, but different parts of Latin America, French and English speaking Africa and Asia. The challenge of winning these precious souls and consolidating them is to be able to reach each and every individual by relating effectively to their distinct cultural mindset. I truly believe in the value of “one” – that we must do all we can to reach that one single soul. Your esteem for the value of one is actually a reflection of your self esteem; for after all, even if you are a twin, there is just one of you; and you are valuable.
Lee, is a new Brother from Macau, China. He speaks very little English and even less Spanish but has shown a tremendous love for God and a desire to walk with God since he came to us. Late one night recently I was praying with him because of some burdens on his heart and he began to share his story with me. This humble and simple young man has a scary testimony deliverance from involvement in the dark underworld of vice and mob activity, but has now come to Christ in a very real way.
His hunger for God is so evident that I now do all of my congregational sermon outlines and devotional handouts Spanish and Chinese… actually just I do one in Chinese for Him. So, I’m really taking a crash course in Chinese. I don’t think that I’m going to get it to the point that I really know where I’m going with that tongue, but everybody else, including Lee, seems to be impressed with my ability to understand and forage my way through it (I’m actually faking my way through most of it, but he’s happy as a kid in a candy shop with it all and I am recognizing more and more written characters. It’s such a beautiful and illustrious language!).
I am spending quality time with this precious new Brother and he is responding and has begun to produce such precious fruit that he is a true joy to all who are getting to know him, he is also the first on to arrive at all of our services. The other day he found some Spaniards that spoke some Chinese and promptly preached the Gospel to them: it turns out that they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and he was disappointed that they did not believe his message. He is also shining his light in the very closed and separatist Chinese community here in Cáceres.
Our Presbytery of The 12
This new congregation is now just under one and a half years old and we praise God that we feel that we were able to successfully reach our goal to begin the establishment of the government of the 12 by the end of the Summer 2006. The selecting of our disciples is such a solemn process that requires much time, prayer and quality decisions to decide who will be the men and women that Gina and I will dedicate the majority of our quality time in discipleship and leadership development. But these disciples will be the foundational leadership keys to effectively bring to pass what we believe to be the four basic purposes of the Body of Christ: That is to win souls to Christ (Conversion), consolidate them firmly in the faith (Consolidation), to disciple them (Discipleship) and then to commission them (Commission). It’s what we call C.C.D.C..
Our next goal is to have our fundamental 12 discipled to the point to where they can be commissioned to begin to lead there own evangelistic cells within the next six months. Thus we will begin the process of efficiently multiplying our potential for reaching the lost for Christ here.
Once Again, You’ve Been A Big Blessing!
Finally, thank you so much for all of your prayers and loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your generosity! You are a BIG BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Prince & Gina Parker
Cáceres, Spain
September 2006
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