Friday, January 5, 2007

Ministerial Center Update!

Dear Prayer Partners,

As with just about any construction project, we began to encounter a number of expenses that were not in our original financial plans. Some of these extra expenses were totally unexpected, others were probable or fairly predictable logistical expenses that we had hoped to avoid. In all, these extra expenses summed up to a Saddam sized financial noose around our necks (I know, I know... I just couldn't resist).

Some of the extra expenses we are encountering are the need to furnish the new centre. Right now we are renting two flats: one is completely furnished and the other is semi-furnished. When we occupy the new centre we will need to buy: a refrigerator, a washing machine, and several beds and other furnishings as well as have the cabinets built for the kitchen. (The townhouses come without an integrated kitchen because most Spaniards just tear them out and build new ones anyway). Other expenses involve the logistics of just moving in and getting settled. Because of these things we could get nickeld and dimed to the tone of a several of thousand euros.

As the time approaches for the completion of the construction of the Ministerial Centre, we have had to make major (although hopefully temporary) changes in our plans. We have downsized the project from two townhouses to one. Even though our housing needs call for two townhouses, right now our finances will only permit one.

Our economic support fluctuated wildly during 2006 leaving us far short of our expected financial goals for the project. Along with that, the dollar has gotten beaten up more than Rocky Balboa and has weakened even more against the euro.

Because of the cut back, we will have to utilize the large basement in the townhouse to build two more bedrooms to meet our present housing needs. I was hoping to be a bit less crowded, but we praise God for everything that we do have. (I was going to use the basement as a multipurpose room for meetings and Bible studies but God will work it out with what we have). We also consider it good stewardship for the support that you are so faithfully giving. Considering that we have to live somewhere, it is far better for us to buy property that will be used for many years in the work of God than to throw God’s money away by simply renting.

We want to thank you all for the sacrificial financial support that we have faithfully received, but we must make it plain that we really need your continued support. The Ministerial Centre is not a luxury, but is actually supplying a vital housing need for our ministry here.

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Prince & Gina Parker
Cáceres, Spain

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

October - December 2006 Five Minuet Praise Report

Dear Prayer Partners,

First Minuet - An Open Door

One of our great joys in sharing Christ on the mission field is to be able to share the Word of God in valuable situations and places that do not normally present themselves. Gina and I had been praying for God to open the doors for me to be able to get into the public schools and actually teach the Word of God. I’m not talking about “guerrilla” or “drive-by” evangelism, but actually getting into the classrooms to calmly and intentionally teach about Jesus Christ, the Son of God (as opposed to just slipping it in).

One such opportunity recently presented itself via a Catholic priest. A friend of mine named Miguel Angel Morán. Rev. Morán called me about six weeks ago and asked if I would be willing to go to a school and teach a course on the Bible. He gave me six different days to teach and I was allowed to clearly and openly teach four different grade levels about the deity of Jesus Christ and the Word of God! It was really beautiful to see the interest those kids, ages 12-16, had. They asked some very good questions and positively responded to the presentation of the gospel.
Second Minuet - Church-Planting Team

The church planting team here in Cáceres consists principally of young people from other countries in training for a life on the foreign mission field as well as dedicated locals. The young people in our “Missionary Discipleship Training School”, apart from being formed for a life of career foreign missions, actually have to develop and take charge of particular ministry obligations in the local congregation under our leadership.

For example: Stephanie (Stess) Cain came to us a little over a year ago with extensive children’s ministry experience and a great burden to win children for Christ. So Stess is using her experience and training to establish our children’s ministry. We praise God for her for she is doing an excellent job in developing a team of eight workers with a like burden for children and in forming our Children’s church. We now have more than 30 children coming to our services that are being ministered to under her able ministry and leadership in this department.

Stess is also an accomplished and experienced musician (violin) and vocalist has become a vital part our worship team.
Third Minuet - Teresa (Tere) Salomé

Teresa Salomé is one of our most faithful converts and disciples from our work in Mexico 21 years ago who now pastors a thriving church in Guerrero, Mexico.

Five months ago Tere contacted us stating that she needed to spend a few months with us for further discipleship and spiritual renewal. So three months ago she joined our church planting team as a temporary member and has proven to be such a tremendous blessing! She claims that she has really been blest by her stay here, but truly we have gained far more from her stay with us. She has been of incredible edification to those in discipleship training and to the church body as a whole.

Tere is actually just one of our many Mexican spiritual children that we are planning to bring to further their discipleship and to help with the work her-e by joining as short term members of our church planting team.

Together with a couple of other pastors in Mexico, with whom we have worked for about 30 years now, we plan to have from two to three workers-in-training a year come from Mexico and spend from three to six months with us for further discipleship and to help us as part of our church planting team.

Fourth Minuet - Progress of the New Congregation

We have really felt God’s grace and divine hand in helping us plant this church. We have found one of our biggest weaknesses to be in the area of consolidation. Miraculously we are growing despite our weakness and setbacks; but we know that we could do so much more if we could fortify our deficiencies. We have gone through periods of attendance fluctuations but for the last two months have been averaging about 110 people in our Sunday services.

For several months now a young man named Fredy, his wife Debyba and their daughter have been fairly regular in our services. After one such service Fredy and I had a long talk about his soul and He tearfully and joyfully gave his life to Christ as he began to understand the gospel. They are being faithfully consolidated and we will soon begin to disciple them. I recently discovered that both Fredy and Debyba are lawyers from Bolivia.

A couple of our most faithful disciples here, Alfonso and Angela López, are our first graduates from our school of leaders and will launch their first home cell group in January with Fredy and Debyba as members.

Fifth Minuet- Thank You!

Gina and I praise God for you and we thank you for your prayers and financial support of our ministry. Please keep us in your prayers for both our physical and spiritual wellbeing. Our present financial needs are especially strong now as we have much work to do in order to move into and set our new Ministry Centre in order. Many extra expenses (and a few unexpected ones) are involved. So please keep this in mind and believe God with us for an increase in our monthly offerings in order to effectively accomplish our entrusted labor.

We are, as always, most sincerely grateful for and mindful of the tremendous amount of confidence that you have placed in us as your missionaries. Your prayer support and financial backing makes you a vital part of the work of God through the world “For we are labourers together with God:” (I Corinthians 3:9).


Prince & Gina Parker
Financial Support:
Ambassadors Fellowship
P.O. Box 62309
Colorado Springs, CO
80962 USA
Phone: 719-495-8180 Fax: 719-495-3313
Personal Correspondence:
La Roche Sur Yon #1
Principal “F”
10004 Cáceres, España
Skype phone: (301) 637-5906