Friday, July 7, 2006

April - June 2006 Praise Report

Dear Prayer Partners,

First of all, we want to thank all of you who keep us faithfully in your prayers. May God bless you exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us all.

Church Planting Progress

Years ago I learned that a true leader is not necessarily someone that can do the work of seven men (even though a leader must be a tireless worker), rather a leader is someone who can inspire seven men to do the work! Here in Cáceres, the Lord is blessing us tremendously and the church is growing and maturing slowly but surely. I would like to believe that I am wise enough to know that I can’t do it all by myself. So we are taking step by step progress in the transitioning our church body to a government of the 12, cell church model. We want neither to run ahead of our church’s ability to grow, adjust and mature nor lag behind what the Holy Spirit wants to do here.

Gina and I have our eyes on those men and women who we want to call into our inner circle of discipleship and within the next three months we should have our 12 chosen and called apart to spend quality time with us. Naturally, our goal is to sow our spiritual DNA in their lives so they might have the same passion, vision and burden for the vineyard of the Lord as we do thus multiplying our ability to minister effectively to all those Christ is bringing our way. Those who we have in our sight as our 12 already understand our great need to be able to consolidate all those that God is bringing our way.

Our congregation has people from at least a dozen different countries: Spaniards, Latin Americans, Africans and other Europeans. Please pray with us that God will give us wisdom as to how to walk through the unique socio-cultural challenges with which we are presented with in this city and the people with whom we work. The statistics show that 1 out of every 3 in our region is an immigrant. Some of these people are here just to follow the money and happen to get saved along the way, but it’s difficult to nail them down and disciple them. It’s like planting a church in an area heavily populated by military personnel. (Worse that a rabbit spotted by a hawk: you know; hare today - gone tomorrow… Sorry, I couldn’t resist :^)

Anyway... God is bringing so many new people our way that if we don’t keep right on the Holy Spirit’s heels in progressing the work we fear the horrible prospect of having many souls slip from our grasps. It is as when Jesus first called Peter and the others (Luke 5:4-7). Before they were discipled there was a miraculous catch, but many fish escaped, for the nets were not capable of holding them. Yet after three years of discipleship they had another miraculous catch and yet the nets did not break! (John 21:4-11) The process of the consolidation of all of these precious souls is absolutely indispensable, but we cannot effectively consolidate them if I do not, first establish my 12 principal disciples.

We are living days in Spain that we have never been seen before with God give great grace and favour to us in the eyes of the general population. The people are actually very glad to see us are now greeting us on the streets with warmth, love and respect. Gina and the young people in missionary training have so won the hearts of many in our community that many doors of ministry have been opened for us making it real easy to share the love of God with others.

Several of the other young Believers that are fast becoming totally one with us are also winning much favour, love and respect from many in the community and are making me proud to be their pastor for the people have nothing but the highest accolades for them because of their fine Christian testimony. You might say, “Well that’s normal.” Say, I’ve been on the field long enough to remember when a good Christian testimony would get you beat up… at best!

Other News

God has just opened up a tremendous opportunity to impact this community with the Gospel and a Christian witness! We’ve been praying, not only for our own financial situations, butt for God to generate worthy and stable employment for the members of our congregation. For we believe that God wants them to prosper as their soul prospers (I John 1:2). Well quite unexpectedly God has made Gina a franchise business associate in Mexican restaurant chain! The very successful franchise owners approached her about becoming a full business associate about 15 days ago. Mexican food is real exotic here in Europe and very expensive. These are the same people that started “El Pollo Loco” in Mexico many years ago. This news has been greeted with outrageous praise because Gina’s cooking is exotic even in Mexico. I always say that her cooking is so good that it can make unbelievers get saved, shout hallelujah and speak in tongues. You will be able to find out more about Gina’s new restaurant on our website.

Saturday, July 8th, we are joining forces with the other two Evangelical Christian congregations of Cáceres and Believers from the neighboring province of Badajoz (Pronounced Ba-da-hoth). The churches of Badajoz are sending an all children’s choir to sing in one of our main downtown plazas. City hall has permitted to set up tables-booths to minister to people publicly, pass out literature and minister to children and all who approach. So we will be joining with all of the Believers of our beautiful city to evangelize the lost. Please pray that this and all of our evangelistic efforts bring forth fruit for eternal life.

Once Again, You’ve Been A Big Blessing!

Finally, thank you so much for all of your prayers and loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your generosity! You are a BIG BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!


Prince & Gina Parker

Personal Correspondence:
La Roche Sur Yon #1
Principal "F"
10003 Cáceres, España
Skype Phone: (301) 637-5906
The hard way: 011-34-927-242-595
Note: Both phones ring in my office here in Spain, it's just that "the hard way" cost you more.
Financial Support:
Ambassadors Fellowship
P.O. Box 62309
Colorado Springs, CO

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