Praise Report from Spain
Prayer Update
May 2012 – July 2012
Dear Prayer Partners,
In our months of hiatus before the new academic year begins at the seminary in Córdoba (Spain), we have been anything but idle. I’ve had to cross the Atlantic so many times this year that I feel like I’ve been stitching a football.
Focus on Leadership Training
Since I turned the church in Cáceres over to the Spanish national church (Assemblies of God of Spain) leaders in March, word has gone out that I would be relatively free until I begin teaching again at the seminary in September and invitations began to pour in from different countries to go and minister.
In May I was invited to the country of Ghana to hold and Encounter and leadership conference with the leadership of two different denominations representing more than 10,000 churches. They requested for me to come and help them set up a model church (actually two model churches) with a focus on small groups (cells) and discipleship training based on what I, for years have called, “CCDC” (Conversion, Consolidation, Discipleship, Commission).
I was accompanied by Brother Virgil Amos, director of Ambassador’s Fellowship and two associate pastors from a large church in South Africa and us we taught, prayed and ministered in this special “retreat” for three days.
I have always know that the demonic activity in places like parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America is graphically vivid than normally seen elsewhere, but the testimonies given by the pastors and things that we experienced during this encounter were over the top and showed me that much more teaching and power gift ministry would be need to help these valiant servants of God arm themselves for future battles.
Afterwards I spent several days in closed door sessions with the Leaders of these churches and was deeply impressed with their integrity and spiritual acuity (not common traits in those parts) as well as their honed intelligence and educational level (not uncommon in those parts) that I understood that these men were very good ground in which to sow much more time and much deeper teachings of the Word of God. Their sincere hunger for the “meat” of the Word and spiritual discernment in receiving the Word refreshed me while giving the Word as much as they were refreshed by receiving the Word.
Almost Every Time I Go To Africa
Those beautiful brothers and their aides stayed with me drawing the Word out of me with their earnest hunger until they left me at the airport and could go no further. When I finally boarded the plane I began a whole new adventure.
After a few hours delay (normal in Africa) we were about to take off when a truck collided with our aircraft on the tarmac! (Not normal anywhere) My first thought was,
“Now what?!”
There was substantial damage to the aircraft, so, of course we had to deplane and wait until the airline and airport got it together to see who was going to be responsible for putting us up in hotels for the night and until another plane could be brought in from somewhere. It was another 25 hours until we could get out of the country!
This was great news for the local church leaders. They found out about my delay and found my hotel and we spent the next day feasting on the Word and in truly edifying fellowship until I finally had to board my departing flight; but not without them getting me to promise to return in a month to give a follow-up on the series of teachings that I had been giving them.
Second Trip To Ghana
So, it was that in June I found myself on another very long flight back to Ghana. Only this time it was even longer. I connected with this flight at of JFK (New York), and it turns out that the president of Ghana had been at the United Nations and decided, at the last moment, to take that flight, along with his entire entourage. We all not only had to deal with the TSA, but the US Secret Service checking all of our bags and doing personal, physical inspections. We were delayed for TEN HOURS in New York!

Man! There sure was a lot of hoopla for the president when we arrived in Accra!
Another TWO HOURS just to deplane in Accra!
I had particular problems because this particular flight also had the final destination of Monrovia, Liberia, with Accra, Ghana, as just a stop along the way. I got pulled out of line several times and sent through the wringer and my luggage was also pulled a couple of times, because my name is, “Prince”. It turns out that The Hague had recently sentenced the homicidal ex-dictator of Liberia, “Prince” Johnson. They are still on the lookout for his crazy rebel supporters. Did I say something about, “every time I go to Africa”?
Oh, wait, I´m not finished. Shortly after my trip I find out that the president of Ghana just up and DIED, all of a sudden like! (Either that or he was given a little help along his way to death’s door)!
New Book
At any rate, this time before class begins has also been ideal for me to complete my second book that has been accepted by an international publisher. So I am, once again, a published author. The book has gone to the editing department and I am waiting to hear their comments about what ever improvements and modifications I must make to the original manuscript.
The publishing company will decide on the final name of the book, but right now the options are, “Dead Seven Times”, “Seven Times Dead” or “Seven Ways the Man Died – An exposition on spiritual arguments, curses, the Fall and our relationships”. I should add that right now the book is only available in Spanish with plans to put it in English.
I was told that it should be released for sale by December and will be available in ebook format, online and in about 30,000 Christian bookstores worldwide. Of course I will keep you informed.
Keila Update
Keila has been readmitted into the hospital and has been there for over a month now since her stem cell transplant. Blood clots have been forming and she has had several other serious challenges. So we continue to request prayer on her behalf.
Thank You!
Once again, we thank you and praise God for your incessant prayers and continued support!
We love and deeply appreciate you!
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Your Missionaries in Spain