Tuesday, March 22, 2011
November 2010 – February 2011
Prince and Gina's Praise Report from
November 2010 – February 2011
Dear Prayer Partners,
The Desperate Need To Reach Spain for Christ
So out of my warm bed and into my van to go down to the plaza to seek this young man. I found him; a handsome and very intelligent man who speaks several languages with an ease that is found in many in this part of the world. I brought him home with me and made a great effort to warm him up and set him up in a bedroom with clean sheets and towels, fed him and gave him warm tea to drink.
With tears in his eyes, he asked me why I would do such a thing for him. This opened up the doors for me to share Christ freely with him. My new Muslim friend was amazed that Jesus would speak to him and touch him in such a profound way. This was a moment that broke through his intellect, and Jesus touched his heart.
Nearing the end of our marvelous time together, he said to me in the simple, open way that Arabs and other Middle Eastern people have, that I had totally changed his way of thinking. He said that he was now very confused and would have to reassess his whole life and the entire way he viewed the world – especially in respects to Jesus the Christ! That he was now beginning to believe that He really could be the "Son of God"; an incredible confession for a Muslim to make!
Europe is now seriously over-run (quite intentionally, I might add) with Muslims intent on turn this into a Muslim continent. Spain is number one on the list and in a very real danger of ceasing to exist as we have known it and returning to the Islamic Caliphate that it once was 550 years ago. The only thing truly standing in the way of that happening is the aggressive efforts of those of us that are here on the front lines announcing the truly liberating Gospel of Jesus to "whosoever will".
New Believers
As well as the many teenagers, there are a number of young adults have come to Christ in the last six months. Among them is a young man named Vlademir; an engineer and former military officer married to an influential lawyer. One of my elders shared the Gospel with him and invited him to church. He walked in alone on a Wednesday night and after the study I spent time ministering to him. He has since had a marvelous encounter with Christ! Though his 15 year old son has begun to come to our services, we continue to pray for his wife and teenage children.
She is also full of wit and good humor. When we took these photos she looked up at me and said, "Pastor, come down here!" I stooped down to hear her say, "With you standing by my side we look like 'Lee'"! "Lee?" I asked. She said, "Yeah, you're the "L" and I'm the "i". I laughed so hard that I was no good for the rest of the afternoon!
Please keep these and the many other new converts in your prayers. Though we have had many marvelous victories, there have also been some great oppositions and struggles against the church in the last few months and we have been faced with some serious problems. In spite of these trials, all have gone to strengthen and unify this young congregation even more!
Theological Seminary
I am finishing up another semester of teaching with the seminary in the Canary Islands and have begun to teach an additional class for a semester in the extension of the Assemblies of God seminary here in Extremadura (the region of Spain in which we live).
The AG seminary has asked me, several times to become a docent member of their permanent staff – which, though I am honoured, I have been extremely reluctant to do. I deeply enjoy teaching in the extensions but I don't want to move to Cordoba. I do believe that God has most definitely sent us here to Cáceres and that there are still many years of ministry for us, many souls to reach and so much work to be done so that this church should be firmly planted right here in Cáceres!
Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach specific ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Wednesday, March 16, 2011