Friday, October 14, 2011
New Believers & Outreaches
July 2011 – September 2011
Prince and Gina's Praise Report from
July 2011 – September 2011
Dear Prayer Partners,
New Believers & Consolidation
The Book of Acts says of the Early Church that, "… the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved" (Acts 2:47). Well, we're not seeing people being added daily, but God is bringing a nice flow of new people that are having personal encounters with Christ and are being added to the church.
Praise God! We are grateful to God that we can say that since our last Praise Report that several more new Believers have been added to the congregation; something that we would not have seen a few years back here in Spain and is yet to be seen in some parts of the country.
One of these new Believers is Miguel Angel (Mily) Lofredo, is one of the new men that have become to come to the services. Mily is faithfully being consolidated by my "Timothy", Jonathan Lancho.
Recent Baptisms
September 8th we celebrated a baptismal service in a local river and were blessed to officially receive four new Believers into the church. There are about four more that have yet to complete that new members orientations and get incorporated into consolidation and discipleship cells.
Satellite Work in Mérida
Recently they were able to go from holding Bible studies in their house and acquire a place to rent for their services. They now have a marvelous group of about 25 adults in a congregation that has both Gypsies and Spaniards.
I am in the process of helping Raul obtain his national ministers credentials so that he might be able to freely minister here in Spain.
School of Leaders
Praise God that we have finally been able to officially begin our School of Leaders (discipleship training school) in the church and I am on my way to finally form my 12. The candidates are extremely excited and totally on board and have begun to bring forth good fruit!
Matrix Retreat
This past summer the Lord gave me what probably has been one of the most creative ideas I've ever received. It is a Reencounter (retreat) designed to graphically teach new Believers about the threats and dangers that the spiritual and moral ambience of the world pose to them and just how they can overcome them with total victory in Christ Jesus!
The retreat is based on the movie "The Matrix" and is called "The Christian and the World". The new Believers are called to make a fresh and conscientious decision for Christ near the end of the encounter by choosing between the "red pill" and the "blue pill" (jellybeans).
All of the attending youth that have gone through this re-encounter were deeply impacted, but four of them have since been baptised and are aggressively active in all aspects of the church and are eager to share their faith. They now have a very clear idea of who the Christian is and what the world really is!
Theological Seminary
I have officially accepted a teaching position at the "Spanish Theological Seminary" of the Assemblies of God of Spain located in La Carlota, Córdoba. At present am teaching a semester (32 hours) on Hermeneutics. The rest of the official staff is thrilled that I have joined them – and the truth is, I am too.
Even though it adds to my already taxed work load, it's an honor to be a part of the teaching faculty and to be a part of those that are preparing the next generation of pastors and leaders of the Body of Christ here in Spain! After all, that's a very great part of what we are all about here.
Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach specific ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Nuevos Creyentes
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
March 2011 – June 2011 Praise Report
Prince and Gina's Praise Report from
March 2011 – June 2011
Dear Prayer Partners,
First Things First
The first thing that I must do before I share what God has been doing here is to apologize for getting this Praise Report out a bit late. The truth is that I actually lost track of time and was under the impression that with this Praise report I would be on schedule – I was clearly quite mistaken.
New Believers
We are grateful to God that we can say that since our last Praise Report that several new Believers have been added to the congregation.
A few months back a young couple (Arturo & Daniela) came to the church after our Thursday night prayer meeting wanting to know about the church. A few nights before the Lord had manifested Himself to Arturo through a dream. God had spoken to him so clearly through this dream – whatever it was – that it has totally changed their lives (he has yet to tell me specifically about the dream but it has had great reconciliatory value).
They are faithfully feeding their new found faith with the Word of God, are an active part of a cell group and are amongst the first to arrive at all of our regular church services. Daniela has even begun to bring her sister (Lorena) and her nephew with her to the services.
Also saved in the last few months is an ex-addict named José (he is 53 years old). José has been sentenced to two years of prison and he is now serving his time there for his past crimes. We have made arrangements for him to be able to attend the services that a ministry specifically dedicated to reaching drug addicts for Christ hold in the penitentiary. He has been joyously faithful to the services and we are making the necessary preparations for us to be able to hold our own worship services there.
Many of her relatives immediately have tried to convince her not to have anything to do with us – saying that we are some kind of "cult" (a very common accusation against evangelicals in predominantly or traditionally "Catholic" countries); but Doña Ana has proven to be quite feisty in the defense of her new found faith.
She has been telling her family and testifying in the Bible studies that her new found faith and relationship with Christ and our congregation is the most beautiful thing that she has ever experienced in her life and that nothing or no one can separate her from it.
Theological Seminaries
The Assemblies of God of Spain have once again approached me with the petition that I become a full member of the staff of professors. They are in a desperate need for more teachers with doctoral degrees on staff in order to get government accreditation. Even though I don't desire to be on permanent staff I have consented for them to put my name on their register of professors to present before the government because I do want the seminary to prosper and in this way, the work of the Gospel and the future extension of the Kingdom here in Spain will flourish.
Another note along this vein; In April, I was invited by the director of the Catholic seminary to share in a summit of all of the seminarians and Catholic seminary rectors in our region. They wanted me to share on the role and importance of the Bible as the absolute authority in the life of the true Believer as opposed to the Catholic stance on the authority of the traditions of the church; more fun!
Some of the priests and seminarians got a tad bit ruffled by the frank Biblical truth that I shared, but I simply told them, "Don't get miffed by what I share. You invited me so that you could hear what Evangelicals believe about the Bible – so this is what I am doing". Surprisingly enough, I have been invited to return.
Visits from Abroad
Also in April we had a group of 13 students (middle school age) from the Christian school at the Washington Christian Center in, Washington DC., for and educational and inspirational tour of Spain, Portugal and Morocco. It proved to be quite an educational and spiritually rousing event for these fine young people.
The highlight of their visit was the commanding youth encounter we had over the Resurrection Weekend. We saw the Hand of God in deliverance in a way that we had not yet seen here. Many young people were transformed, blest and deeply touched. Pastors Martinez – THANK YOU!
Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach specific ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
November 2010 – February 2011
Prince and Gina's Praise Report from
November 2010 – February 2011
Dear Prayer Partners,
The Desperate Need To Reach Spain for Christ
So out of my warm bed and into my van to go down to the plaza to seek this young man. I found him; a handsome and very intelligent man who speaks several languages with an ease that is found in many in this part of the world. I brought him home with me and made a great effort to warm him up and set him up in a bedroom with clean sheets and towels, fed him and gave him warm tea to drink.
With tears in his eyes, he asked me why I would do such a thing for him. This opened up the doors for me to share Christ freely with him. My new Muslim friend was amazed that Jesus would speak to him and touch him in such a profound way. This was a moment that broke through his intellect, and Jesus touched his heart.
Nearing the end of our marvelous time together, he said to me in the simple, open way that Arabs and other Middle Eastern people have, that I had totally changed his way of thinking. He said that he was now very confused and would have to reassess his whole life and the entire way he viewed the world – especially in respects to Jesus the Christ! That he was now beginning to believe that He really could be the "Son of God"; an incredible confession for a Muslim to make!
Europe is now seriously over-run (quite intentionally, I might add) with Muslims intent on turn this into a Muslim continent. Spain is number one on the list and in a very real danger of ceasing to exist as we have known it and returning to the Islamic Caliphate that it once was 550 years ago. The only thing truly standing in the way of that happening is the aggressive efforts of those of us that are here on the front lines announcing the truly liberating Gospel of Jesus to "whosoever will".
New Believers
As well as the many teenagers, there are a number of young adults have come to Christ in the last six months. Among them is a young man named Vlademir; an engineer and former military officer married to an influential lawyer. One of my elders shared the Gospel with him and invited him to church. He walked in alone on a Wednesday night and after the study I spent time ministering to him. He has since had a marvelous encounter with Christ! Though his 15 year old son has begun to come to our services, we continue to pray for his wife and teenage children.
She is also full of wit and good humor. When we took these photos she looked up at me and said, "Pastor, come down here!" I stooped down to hear her say, "With you standing by my side we look like 'Lee'"! "Lee?" I asked. She said, "Yeah, you're the "L" and I'm the "i". I laughed so hard that I was no good for the rest of the afternoon!
Please keep these and the many other new converts in your prayers. Though we have had many marvelous victories, there have also been some great oppositions and struggles against the church in the last few months and we have been faced with some serious problems. In spite of these trials, all have gone to strengthen and unify this young congregation even more!
Theological Seminary
I am finishing up another semester of teaching with the seminary in the Canary Islands and have begun to teach an additional class for a semester in the extension of the Assemblies of God seminary here in Extremadura (the region of Spain in which we live).
The AG seminary has asked me, several times to become a docent member of their permanent staff – which, though I am honoured, I have been extremely reluctant to do. I deeply enjoy teaching in the extensions but I don't want to move to Cordoba. I do believe that God has most definitely sent us here to Cáceres and that there are still many years of ministry for us, many souls to reach and so much work to be done so that this church should be firmly planted right here in Cáceres!
Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach specific ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011
Muslim Demographics
Brothers & Sisters,
This brief document show the tremendous challenge with which we are faced to reach Spain for Christ! Please pray and help us to reach this nation for the Kingdom of God before the night comes and no man can work.
Prince & Gina
Your Missionaries in Spain