Prince and Gina's
Praise Report from Spain
May – July 2010
Dear Prayer Partners,
Historic Victory
At 8:30 p.m. it was 111.2º F in the streets of Cáceres! Now a little after midnight it seemed no cooler, yet it had little or no affect on the revelers. Spain had won its first World Cup victory! The entire country was celebrating; dancing in the streets, horns honking, hundreds of people jumping into the water of the artificial waterfall, river and pond in the center of our beautiful city in urbane, yet raucous festivity. It was clear that no one was going to bed early tonight.
But something else big was happening, much bigger than this and every mature true Believer in the country recognized it. Something had broken in the spiritual atmosphere of the country signaling that a great spiritual victory was also taking place in the heavenly places! We are now beginning to see its fruit!
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Recently, after a Men's Encounter, I took the men directly to the Sunday morning service. One of the brothers found his wife and began to pray for her to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit as he had in the Encounter – AND SHE DID! That helped to set loose an outpouring of God's power.
Sister Gina had also preached on this very theme that morning and in that service alone five people received. After this we had a wonderful deluge of the Holy Spirit where for several weeks in just about every service people received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit – whether we prayed for them or not. In two weeks eleven more people were baptized in the Holy Spirit! We, personally, have never seen such a spontaneous outpouring here in Spain!
Naturally, this has changed our church and God has also begun to purify and purge the Church of impure and rebellious elements and this has brought a tremendously liberating atmosphere over the congregation! Our worship services, prayer meetings, cell groups, youth ministry and Bible studies are flowing with a much greater power and freedom.
New Converts
About three years ago I began to visit and minister to a young professional musician named Carlos Alberto (Beto) that had recently moved to Cáceres from Switzerland with his live-in girlfriend. I discovered that his parents were Christians but he was deeply enslaved to sin. He was however open to let me visit him to talk about the condition of his lost soul... when I could catch him. For often he would avoid me for months at a time.
Other new Believers in the church that knew him also began to "hunt him down" and try to minister to him. Finally, about six months ago, he finally gave his life to Christ in complete and broken surrender. Both he and his wife Gabriela (Gaby) are in discipleship (under me) and are sincerely "on fire" for God desiring to serve God wholeheartedly! He and Gaby were married in March in a civil wedding officiated by her uncle – who is the consul to Spain of their native country.
Beto has dedicated all of his time and talent to serve the Lord in the church. As I said, he is actively involved in a discipleship cell group and is collaborating heavily with our youth ministry leaders. Because of his fruit he has been allowed to join the worship team and has also formed a youth worship band teaching the young people how to play various musical instruments. The entire church praises God for His work in their lives.
¡Despierta (Wake Up) Cáceres!
This month we had our most successful Miraculous Catch yet! It was an evangelistic outreach orchestrated by the youth ministry. They entitled it, "¡Despierta, Cáceres!" (Wake Up, Caceres – Ephesians 5:14). It involved a full on Rock concert with lights, smoke, guitars, rappers and choreography – and short evangelistic sermon.
I just wanted to sit and enjoy seeing them minister, but the young people love how I rock on the guitar so our youth leaders "begged" for me to play in the concert with them. Over 100 were present with over 30 first time visitors! Eight of those new people – adults and young people – happily returned Sunday for our morning service!
Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
God is doing so much more here, but out time is out: But NONE of this would be possible without your support. But the burden to see fulfilled what God has called us to do here consumes us. Spain must be won for Christ and this church must be established and founded so that she might fulfil God's purpose for her in the Earth! Your part in helping us to reach this end is absolutely indispensable.
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach our 2010 ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in Spain
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Personal Correspondence:
Calle Cueva de Lascaux #1 Ambassadors Fellowship
10004 Cáceres, España
Tel: 34 (927) 245-765
Skype phone: (301) 637-5907
Financial Support:
P.O. Box 62309
Colorado Springs, CO
Phone: 719-495-8180
Fax: 719-495-3313
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