(Below Left) Some of the participants of the University Student Cell. Left to Right: Jessica, Consuelo, Jonathán, Audrey, Madeline.
(Below Right) Sutdents from the University Cell. Left To Right: Jonathán, Audrey, Alejandro, Jessica.

The Parkers have been in ministry since 1971 and have been planting churches and ministering in the Spanish speaking world as career missionaries since 1974. They have planted numerous churches in Mexico and Spain. Prince has an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from La Universidad Cristiana de las Américas, Madrid (UCAM) and an honoary Doctor of Divinity degree.
Prince and Gina's
Praise Report from
January – April 2010
Dear Prayer Partners,
Trip to the
Once again, Bishop Johnson, Pastor Ammons, Pastor McClure, Pastor Esquer, Pastor Ed, Pastor Tony, Pastor Hugo and Pastor Richard, thank you very much for hosting and supporting us during this trip.
Growth In Cells and Church
Friday evenings I have begun a cell in which both the subject matter and the way we carry out the studies are specifically geared for university students. We have begun by covering the Genesis account of the creation to the flood. This is a combination small group and virtual study in which the participants must have their laptops. During the course of the study I email them documents, videos and photographs that illustrate and clarify the points I'm making.
Another interesting point is that Alejandro lives in Badajoz (about 45 minutes to an hour from here). Yet he is an active participant in every study, visually and audibly, live, via the Internet, reading Scriptures and portions of the outlines that I send to all when it's his turn to read, asking questions and praying with us. Using "Skype" on his laptop, he is just as involved as if he was physically present.
Theological Seminary in the Canary Islands
Did you know that the
About two weeks ago I received a call from the superintendent (president) of the Assemblies of God of the
Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
Gina and I get invitations to minister all the time from all over the world, and we absolutely love the fulfilment of this part of the Great Commission to, "... Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people" (Mark 16:15 GNB). This would be impossible without your support. But the burden to see fulfilled what God has called us to do here consumes us.
We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much more in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach our 2010 ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!
Your Missionaries in
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker