Prince and Gina’s Praise Report from Spain
December 2009 – January 2010.
Dear Prayer Partners,
We just wanted to send a Praise Update to let you know of a few more (of the many) things that God is doing here and of some important upcoming events.
Miraculous Catch – An Evangelistic Event
Peter and the disciples had been fishing all night and caught nothing – that is until Jesus came on the scene and indicated where they should cast the net. We refer to the abundance of their catch as “The Miraculous Catch”. We here in Spain we really need a “Miraculous Catch” in a harvest of the souls of men.

It turns out that we should have called it a “The Miraculous Seed Sowing Session”. This is Spain and even though we have yet to see an abundance of the fruit of the harvest, we are seeing fruit and we are working very hard to make sure that our fruit remains (John 15:16). The day is coming when we WILL SEE a “Miraculous Catch”.
First Wedding of New Converts
A little over three years ago Freddy and Dabeyba, a young [unmarried] couple came to Christ. Both are lawyers who came to Spain from their native Bolivia for financial reasons. We met them shortly after their arrival and invited them to the church. They came and stayed.
Dabeyba was the first to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit and surrender to Christ. A year later I was able to lead Freddy to Christ. After hearing (and understanding) the demands of the Gospel and the call of Christ, they knew that their 12 year, live-in relationship had to be rectified. So I moved them from a consolidation cell to become faithful in one of the small marriage and family life cells that we have for correct orientation as to just what marriage, true love and family really are.
Being foreigners there was a terrible amount of bureaucracy, paper work and waiting in order for them to be legally married here in Spain. But finally all was completed and on December 19, 2009, I was able to perform the first marriage ceremony of new converts in our new church.
About 30 very well-to-do non Christian Spaniards, friends and business associates of the young couple, were present at the wedding and stayed for the reception that was also held in our church. For these beautiful Spaniards it was their very first time they had ever entered what they refer to as a “Protestant” church. They were all very happy and comfortable and were made to feel totally welcome and warmly expressed how impressed they were with the entire event.
Dabeyba was the first to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit and surrender to Christ. A year later I was able to lead Freddy to Christ. After hearing (and understanding) the demands of the Gospel and the call of Christ, they knew that their 12 year, live-in relationship had to be rectified. So I moved them from a consolidation cell to become faithful in one of the small marriage and family life cells that we have for correct orientation as to just what marriage, true love and family really are.
Being foreigners there was a terrible amount of bureaucracy, paper work and waiting in order for them to be legally married here in Spain. But finally all was completed and on December 19, 2009, I was able to perform the first marriage ceremony of new converts in our new church.
About 30 very well-to-do non Christian Spaniards, friends and business associates of the young couple, were present at the wedding and stayed for the reception that was also held in our church. For these beautiful Spaniards it was their very first time they had ever entered what they refer to as a “Protestant” church. They were all very happy and comfortable and were made to feel totally welcome and warmly expressed how impressed they were with the entire event.
On the right is a photo of Gina and I with Jorge and Sonia. A lovely new couple that, about six months ago, along with their four daughters have become an integral part of our congregation and actively participate in our discipleship and family life cells. The Christian concert and wedding were extremely encourageing and faith building experiences for their whole family. They, and others like them, are learning that life in Christ is what life is really all about!
Even for many of the faithful members of the congregation, it was the very first time they had ever been to an Evangelical Christian wedding. Remember, a majority of our congregation is made up of new Believers. This wedding has proven to be a tremendous witness to the community and our investment of discipleship in this lovely couple is proving to be an even greater testimony to the professional community here in our city as they shine the light of Christ in their family and daily lives.
Trip To The USA
February 28 we will be ministering in Atlanta, Georgia, in the Atlanta Metropolitan Cathedral, where Bishop Flynn A. Johnson is the senior pastor.
March 7 we will be ministering in the San Francisco Christian Center, where Bishop Donald E. Green is the senior pastor.
March 14 we will be ministering at Zoe Christian Fellowship Whittier, Pastor Ed Smith, in Whittier, CA.
March 21 we will be at the Comunidad Cristiana Zoe de Rialto Pastors Hugo & Yolanda Martinez in Rialto, CA.
March 28 we will be at the New Creation Fellowship, Pastors Richard & Jacci Stewart in Los Angeles, CA.
We have other events and places that we will be visiting and ministering but these are the dates of our main Sunday services during our visit to the States.
March 30 we return home to Spain where immediately begin our pre-encounter for our Men’s Encounter that we will be having with two other cell based churches in this part of the country.
March 7 we will be ministering in the San Francisco Christian Center, where Bishop Donald E. Green is the senior pastor.
March 14 we will be ministering at Zoe Christian Fellowship Whittier, Pastor Ed Smith, in Whittier, CA.
March 21 we will be at the Comunidad Cristiana Zoe de Rialto Pastors Hugo & Yolanda Martinez in Rialto, CA.
March 28 we will be at the New Creation Fellowship, Pastors Richard & Jacci Stewart in Los Angeles, CA.
We have other events and places that we will be visiting and ministering but these are the dates of our main Sunday services during our visit to the States.
March 30 we return home to Spain where immediately begin our pre-encounter for our Men’s Encounter that we will be having with two other cell based churches in this part of the country.
Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
Please Keep Us in Your Prayers
Brothers and Sisters please know that without your earnest and constant prayer and support we would be severely crippled. God has been blessing us so much in our work out here, but these blessings have not come without corresponding challenges. Some of our needs have been so great that they threaten to become burdensome – and I am committed to cast all of my burdens upon the Lord. Two of my favorite Scriptures are, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) and “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6).
None the less, just like Moses needed Aaron and Hur to help him hold up his arms in Exodus 17:10-13, I really need your help to hold our arms up. But as the psalmist said, “I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.” (Psalm 71:14).
Please know that we do thank you so much for all of your prayers and your loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your much needed financial suppor of our ministry! As always, you are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply value you all! THANK YOU!
None the less, just like Moses needed Aaron and Hur to help him hold up his arms in Exodus 17:10-13, I really need your help to hold our arms up. But as the psalmist said, “I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.” (Psalm 71:14).
Please know that we do thank you so much for all of your prayers and your loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your much needed financial suppor of our ministry! As always, you are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply value you all! THANK YOU!
Your Missionaries in Spain
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker
Your Missionaries in Spain
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker