Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas in Arabic

Merry Christmas Message

A Christmas Benediction

Well as you know, it's time for my birthday again. Last year, they had a really big party for me and it seems like they will again this year. After all they've been shopping and preparing for it for months now, and there have been announcements and advertisements almost every day about how soon it's coming!

They really do go overboard about it, but it's nice to know that at least one day of the year some people are thinking about me a little. You know, it's been many years now since they first started celebrating my birthday. Back then they seemed to realize and appreciate how much fun it is for the little children. Just the same, it seems that most folks are missing the point of it all. Like last year, for example, when my birthday came around, they threw a big party, but can you believe it? I wasn't even invited! Imagine! The guest of honor, and they forgot all about me?

Here they had begun preparing for the festivities months in advance, but when the big day came, I was left out in the cold.  Well, it happened so many times in recent years, I wasn't even surprised.

Even though I wasn't invited, I thought I'd just quietly slip in anyway. So I came in and stood off to the side.  Everyone was drinking, laughing and having a grand time, when all of a sudden in came this fat fellow in a bright red suit, wearing a phony white beard and shouting, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"  He looked like he had more than enough to drink. When he collapsed into a big armchair, all the little children went running over to him excitedly yelling, "Santa, Santa!" I mean, you'd have thought he was the guest of honor and the whole holiday was just for him.

The little manger scene you put in the corner of your living room is really touching. It's good that people commemorate my birthday like that. Did you know that nowadays, in some countries, the authorities won't even allow manger scenes to be placed in parks, streets, or public places anymore? Not to mention their schools? I'm not talking about Communist countries. I'm talking about the good old USA. Imagine! What could be more innocent than a
manger scene to remind people of my birthday?

Yes, it is banned! They've actually passed laws against it and made it illegal. What is this world coming to?

Another thing that amazes me is how, on my birthday, instead of giving me presents, most people give gifts to each other?  And to top it all off, it's usually all kinds of stuff they don't even need!

Let me ask you, wouldn't you find it odd if when your birthday came along, all your friends decided to celebrate it by giving each other presents and never gave you a thing?

Someone once told me, "Well, it's because you're not around like other people are, so how can we give you a present?" You know my answer to that one. Give gifts of food and clothing to the poor, help those who need it. Go visit the lonely. Any gift you give to your needy fellow man, I'll count as if you gave it to me personally. (See Matthew 25:34-40)

Well there is an end even to my patience. So I'm going to let you in on a secret. Now this is something I've been planning on doing for quite sometime. I'll have my own party! How about that?

It's going to be the most fantastic feast you could possibly imagine. It might not happen this year, but I'm sending out the invitations now. I know you'll want to come. There is going to be room for billions, for everyone who wants to come! Some really famous old timers and celebrities are going to be there, and I'll reserve you a seat of honor right there with them! (Matthew 8:11)

So hold on to your hat, because when everything is ready, I'm going to spring it as a big surprise. Many people are going to be left out in the cold, because they did not answer my invitation. Let me know right away if you'd like to come. I'll reserve you a place and write your name in large golden letters in my great big Guest Book!

Much Love,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tercer Cielo
(Third Heaven)
Musical Concert
"Tercer Cielo" - the third musical put on by the music band (Rock) of our Youth Ministry in an evangelistic outreach to the youth of Cáceres December 4, 2010, to be held in the santuary of our church, "Nuevo Amanecer".

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nuevo Amanecer Youth Services

Please pray for the youth of Cáceres
Beto, one of our youth workers praying with a Carlos, a young man that has started to come to our youth services here in Cáceres.

August - October 2010 Praise Report

Prince and Gina's Praise Report from Spain

August – October 2010


Dear Prayer Partners,


Youth Outreach & Ministry

We are now well into our fifth year of our labor to plant a new church in this province and region of Spain. We've made a lot of advances and have had a few setbacks. We have a strong congregation of young married couples and a good children's ministry. Even though there have been many efforts to establish a solid youth ministry, until recently, we had not made much headway in this area.


Even still, a good group of the children of families that have been saved have grown and are now pre-adolescents. They have begun to bring other young people their age to church and without really much effort on our behalf a youth church has been born.


This summer we had several evangelistic concerts focused to reach the youth of our city. These concerts brought in about 60 first time visitors and at least ten new people have begun our Saturday youth services and our regular Sunday morning services.

Baptisms 2010

In September we baptized seven new converts; our largest group of new converts we have baptized at one time since we first arrived in Spain to plant new churches in 1988!


We also praise God because all seven are in discipleship and cells and are now actively involved in some ministry of the church!

Theological Seminary in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands is one place in Spain where we have been seeing a really good move of God and where Spaniards are coming to Christ in fairly large numbers. Even though percentage wise, on these islands there a many more Evangelical churches per capita than are found on the Iberian Peninsula there is no official Evangelical theological seminary established on the islands.  


For this reason we have been working to help establish a seminary on the islands so that serious minded disciples that want to prepare themselves theologically don't have to come all the way to mainland [Spain] to study. The seminary will be under the Assemblies of God (AG) for the Canary Island. I am working together with Pastor/Apostle Sergio Zubillaga; an excellent Bible teacher and pastor of a fantastic church on the island of Gran Canarias. I am really please to be collaborating with Sergio for we have a deep mutual appreciation for our distinct ministerial gifts.


I am also alternately giving extension classes for the "Centro Superior de Teología" (AG) and have been asked to be a part of their permanent staff – which offer I am weighing.

(Unknowingly) Preaching To the Whole World

About six months ago I ministered on a Sunday morning in Sergio's church in Gran Canarias. A few months later I begin to receive puzzling emails and messages via Skype and Facebook from people in different countries I have never been to telling how much I have ministered to them. I had no idea what they were talking about. It turns out that the church submitted the video of the sermon to TBN (Enlace) Madrid, and they, in turn, sent it to TBN Costa Rica and the rest is history. I don't even have a TV, so I  would never have known about it.  


Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers

We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach specific ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!




Your Missionaries in Spain

Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baptisms September 2010
The seven baptismal candidates proudly holding their Baptismal Certificates while being presented to the congregation as new members of the iglesia. This has been the largest number of new converts that we have baptised at one time in our many years of ministry here in Spain.
(Above) Six of these new Believers are from our congregation and one in this photo is from another congregation that was to be baptised at the same time in the same event.
(Above) Left to Right: Freddy, Jorge, Roli, Carlos, Jonathan
(Above) The last orientation on the obligations of a disciple of Christ the Lord and to the Body of Christ as a baptised Believer.
(Above) Jorge testifying of his new life in Christ before being submerged in identification with Christ as his Risen Lord.
(Above) Carlos, a lonely and troubled 18 year old testifies of his new life in Christ.
The seven new Believers are about to partake of their first communion - or participation of the Lord's Supper. We hold that if a person doesn't have a conscience that is clear enough to be baptised, then their conscience is not clear enough to partake of the Lord's Supper.The newly baptised Believers proudly hold their Baptismal Certificates as they are received as new members of the congregation.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summer Outreach

Summer Ministry Youth Outreach
The last month of our Summer Evangelistic youth outreach was entitled "Identifícate" (Identify Yourself). It was a call to be identified with Christ and not with the world.
Eva López & Yesenia Weston - Part of our youth ministry and worship group

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baptisms 2010

Baptisms September 8, 2010
Praise God! We Wednesday, September 8, 2010, we celebrated our anual baptism service by baptising seven new Believersinto the Body of Christ!
We shall be adding more photos as they come in.
Above and below: Jonathan Lancho Villa
Below: Sonia Arteaga Peña

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Ministry Outreaches

Summer Ministry Outreaches
June - August 2010
This Summer we had several powerful ministry evangelistic concerts focused to reach the youth of our city. These concerts have brought in about 60 first first time visitors and ten new people that have begun to attend our regular church services. Below are some photos of the last concert entitled "Identifícate" (Identify Yourself).
(Above) Pastor Prince feeling privileged that the youth ministries wanted him to "rock" with them during their youth concerts on both the electric and acoustic electric guitars.
(Above) Ángel, the youngest member of the band on violin and piano.
(Above) Jonathán, Beto & Marcelino playing behind a wall of artifical smoke during the concert. (Above)
Sister Eva López sings praises during one of the concerts.
Young people come forward to pray during one of the altar calls.
Both young and "old" came to the concerts.
(Above and below)
Part of the group during a song of praise.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

May - July 2010 Praise Report Photos

May - July Praise Report Photos
For those of you that don't know, our church here in Spain is called
"Iglesia Evangélica Nuevo Amanecer"
(New Morning Evangelical Church)
The May - July Praise Report Newsletter and testimonies are below the photos.
Training children to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ!

"Nuevo Amanecer" Youth proclaiming the living Christ

Sister Melisa with kids from our Children's Ministry

Jonathán Franco & Eduard Dominguez from Nuevo Amanecer's youth ministry.
Eduard brought Jonathán to the church.

Jonathán has been learning to play the bass for the youth band.

Beto y Gaby with Gina at their wedding.

Beto and Gaby are now fully committed to the Lord, happily married and actively involved in all aspects of the church. They have two sons that were born during their years that they lived together before they surrendered to Christ.

Practice with the Nuevo Amanecer youth worship band: Left to right: José on keyboard, Luis Ángel on violin, me on electric acoustic guitar, Bernardo - lead vocals, Eva - back vocals, Beto, lead guitar, Jonathan, bass, (not in photo) Eduard - drums.

Practice makes perfect - Beto, Jonathán and Eduard.

The main workers in the Nuevo Amanecer youth ministry - officially called "JUNAM":
Gabriel, our youth pastor is the big guy on the right. His wife, Sabina, is the second from the right (kneeling).

"Despierta Cáceres" evangelistic outreach concert - June 17, 2010. This has been our most successful Miraculous Catch to date. Eight new people have started coming to our services as a result.

(Below) The poster and flyer that our youth pastor Gabriel Watcher made (He is Spanish/German & Argentine)

Ending the Concert with joyus praise songs and dance.

(Below) Bernardo leads in a worship song during the concert

Having fun while we praise HIM!!!

Please see the Praise Report / Newsletter below for some exciting testimonies.

May - July 2010 Praise Report

Prince and Gina's

Praise Report from Spain

May – July 2010

Dear Prayer Partners,

Historic Victory

At 8:30 p.m. it was 111.2º F in the streets of Cáceres! Now a little after midnight it seemed no cooler, yet it had little or no affect on the revelers. Spain had won its first World Cup victory! The entire country was celebrating; dancing in the streets, horns honking, hundreds of people jumping into the water of the artificial waterfall, river and pond in the center of our beautiful city in urbane, yet raucous festivity. It was clear that no one was going to bed early tonight.


But something else big was happening, much bigger than this and every mature true Believer in the country recognized it. Something had broken in the spiritual atmosphere of the country signaling that a great spiritual victory was also taking place in the heavenly places! We are now beginning to see its fruit!


Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Recently, after a Men's Encounter, I took the men directly to the Sunday morning service. One of the brothers found his wife and began to pray for her to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit as he had in the Encounter – AND SHE DID! That helped to set loose an outpouring of God's power.


Sister Gina had also preached on this very theme that morning and in that service alone five people received. After this we had a wonderful deluge of the Holy Spirit where for several weeks in just about every service people received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit – whether we prayed for them or not. In two weeks eleven more people were baptized in the Holy Spirit! We, personally, have never seen such a spontaneous outpouring here in Spain!


Naturally, this has changed our church and God has also begun to purify and purge the Church of impure and rebellious elements and this has brought a tremendously liberating atmosphere over the congregation! Our worship services, prayer meetings, cell groups, youth ministry and Bible studies are flowing with a much greater power and freedom.


New Converts

About three years ago I began to visit and minister to a young professional musician named Carlos Alberto (Beto) that had recently moved to Cáceres from Switzerland with his live-in girlfriend. I discovered that his parents were Christians but he was deeply enslaved to sin. He was however open to let me visit him to talk about the condition of his lost soul... when I could catch him. For often he would avoid me for months at a time.


Other new Believers in the church that knew him also began to "hunt him down" and try to minister to him. Finally, about six months ago, he finally gave his life to Christ in complete and broken surrender. Both he and his wife Gabriela (Gaby) are in discipleship (under me) and are sincerely "on fire" for God desiring to serve God wholeheartedly! He and Gaby were married in March in a civil wedding officiated by her uncle – who is the consul to Spain of their native country.


Beto has dedicated all of his time and talent to serve the Lord in the church. As I said, he is actively involved in a discipleship cell group and is collaborating heavily with our youth ministry leaders. Because of his fruit he has been allowed to join the worship team and has also formed a youth worship band teaching the young people how to play various musical instruments. The entire church praises God for His work in their lives.


¡Despierta (Wake Up) Cáceres!

This month we had our most successful Miraculous Catch yet! It was an evangelistic outreach orchestrated by the youth ministry. They entitled it, "¡Despierta, Cáceres!" (Wake Up, Caceres – Ephesians 5:14). It involved a full on Rock concert with lights, smoke, guitars, rappers and choreography – and short evangelistic sermon.


I just wanted to sit and enjoy seeing them minister, but the young people love how I rock on the guitar so our youth leaders "begged" for me to play in the concert with them. Over 100 were present with over 30 first time visitors! Eight of those new people – adults and young people – happily returned Sunday for our morning service!


Thank You & Please Keep Us in Your Prayers

God is doing so much more here, but out time is out: But NONE of this would be possible without your support. But the burden to see fulfilled what God has called us to do here consumes us. Spain must be won for Christ and this church must be established and founded so that she might fulfil God's purpose for her in the Earth! Your part in helping us to reach this end is absolutely indispensable.


We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much increase in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach our 2010 ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!



Your Missionaries in Spain

Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker

E-mail: prince_parker@hotmail.com

Blogsite: http://missionaries2spain.blogspot.com/

Personal Correspondence:

Calle Cueva de Lascaux #1 Ambassadors Fellowship

10004 Cáceres, España

Tel: 34 (927) 245-765

Skype phone: (301) 637-5907


Financial Support:

P.O. Box 62309

Colorado Springs, CO


Phone: 719-495-8180

Fax: 719-495-3313

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Photos of the January - April 2010
Praise Report

(Left) Dr. Parker ministering the Word at Zoe Christian Fellowship Whittier (California).
(Below Left) Pastor Tony Dunn giving The Parkers a plaque of appreciation for their years of service in taking the Word of God to the nations March 14, 2010.

(Below Right) Sister Gina ministering in prayer after the ministry of the Word at ZCF Whittier.

(Below Left) Some of the participants of the University Student Cell. Left to Right: Jessica, Consuelo, Jonathán, Audrey, Madeline.


(Below Right) Sutdents from the University Cell. Left To Right: Jonathán, Audrey, Alejandro, Jessica.

January – April 2010 Praise Report

Prince and Gina's

Praise Report from Spain

January – April 2010

Dear Prayer Partners,

Trip to the USA

In February and March Gina and I made our yearly trip to visit some of our supporting churches in the USA and right off the bat, we want to thank the pastors and churches that so graciously hosted us. We were blest to have ministered (and to have been ministered to) in Atlanta, GA, Chattanooga, TN, Irondale, AL, as well as Los Angeles, Corona, Rialto, Whittier and San Diego, California. We also had the rare privilege to have been able to be with all of our children and our nine grandchildren.


Once again, Bishop Johnson, Pastor Ammons, Pastor McClure, Pastor Esquer, Pastor Ed, Pastor Tony, Pastor Hugo and Pastor Richard, thank you very much for hosting and supporting us during this trip.

Growth In Cells and Church

True discipleship can be a slow process, but it is never without fruit. Even though our progress and transition to become an effectively functioning cell church has been slow, and I have yet to see the desired quantity of faithful leaders raised up from the many new converts the Lord has given us. However, we are seeing ever increasing and encouraging signs of growth.


Friday evenings I have begun a cell in which both the subject matter and the way we carry out the studies are specifically geared for university students. We have begun by covering the Genesis account of the creation to the flood. This is a combination small group and virtual study in which the participants must have their laptops. During the course of the study I email them documents, videos and photographs that illustrate and clarify the points I'm making.


Many of the students are finishing their Masters Degrees, but two (Jonathan and Alejandro) are beginning their doctoral studies in economy. Alejandro, has been coming since the very first study – he had never been to a Bible study before and the Gospel is brand new to him. His heart is so tender to the Word of God and we believe that he will be born again very soon.


Another interesting point is that Alejandro lives in Badajoz (about 45 minutes to an hour from here). Yet he is an active participant in every study, visually and audibly, live, via the Internet, reading Scriptures and portions of the outlines that I send to all when it's his turn to read, asking questions and praying with us. Using "Skype" on his laptop, he is just as involved as if he was physically present.

Theological Seminary in the Canary Islands

Did you know that the Canary Islands are NOT named after the birds? The name is likely derived from the Latin term Insula Canaria, meaning "Island of the Dogs", a name applied originally only to Gran Canaria. It is speculated that the so called dogs were actually a species of Monk Seals ("sea dog" in Latin), critically endangered and no longer present in the Canary Islands.


About two weeks ago I received a call from the superintendent (president) of the Assemblies of God of the Canary Islands – an old friend of mine – inviting me to come and spend a week giving a special, intense course on a critical overview of both the Old and New Testaments in their theological seminary. The credits the students earn will go towards their Masters degree. After the course I will be sharing in some churches on the Island. So I leave Monday the third of May, for a week of teaching there.

Please Keep Us in Your Prayers

Gina and I get invitations to minister all the time from all over the world, and we absolutely love the fulfilment of this part of the Great Commission to, "... Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people" (Mark 16:15 GNB). This would be impossible without your support. But the burden to see fulfilled what God has called us to do here consumes us. Spain must be won for Christ and this church must be established and founded so that she might fulfil God's purpose for her in the Earth! Your part in helping us to reach this end is absolutely indispensable.


We want to thank every one of you that so faithfully pray for us and support us financially every month. But what Gina and I are praying for is for ten new churches to pick us up and support us for $100 a month. We need at least this much more in our support in order to consistently make ends meet every month and to reach our 2010 ministry goals. You are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply appreciate you all!




Your Missionaries in Spain

Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.