Prince and Gina’s Praise Report
from Spain
January - April 2008
Dear Prayer Partners,
We praise God for how the work has been growing numerically and in maturity this year. Slowly but surely we are seeing more consistence in the number of people coming to our weekly prayer meetings, Bible studies and Sunday morning services.
Prayer Team Visit
In February, Ambassadors Fellowship brought a small team of intercessors to spend an entire week in intercession and prayer for us, our congregation, the city of Cáceres and the nation of Spain! These teams have come almost every year now and the lingering results have always been awesome.
Romantic Outreach In February
Gina is one of the only people I know that has an anointed culinary ministry! God has used her so much in many different countries to reach souls through her gift of gastronomy! Her gifts are used just about every month in the church to raise funds that have rescued our congregation from several economically distressing challenges we’ve faced.

So in February, once again, we made use of her very important ministry gift and we had a coat and tie, romantic outreach dinner complete with live romantic serenades for couples. We used the sanctuary of the church for the site of the dinner and drew up and well designed invitation for this evangelistic occasion. Before we ended the evening I shared a fifteen minute meditation on the true [Biblical] meaning and example of romance, love and marriage.
We had about fifty five people in attendance and there were ten new people amongst them. Of those ten, two have since become active and faithful members of the congregation. Praise God!
Ministry in JapanIn March we, once again, received an invitation from fellow career missionary, Bishop James Whitaker, of Okinawa, Japan, to go and minister in their annual missions conference. We feel that it’s always a privilege to go anywhere in the world to minister the Gospel, but Gina and I have a special place in our hearts for the country of Japan. Many missionaries call Japan the Spain of the East because our spiritual conditions, number of Evangelical Believers and situations are so parallel.
Given that, this particular congregation in Okinawa consists primarily of Americans serving in the armed forces. We were blest to get the opportunity to encourage our men and women in uniform to continue to embrace and walk and grow in their faith in Christ. We have a profound love and appreciation for the Japanese Believers in that beautiful country, and to be able to minister to them (and with them) and to encourage them in Christ as well is just an awesome opportunity. Our time there was rewarded by seeing the ministry of The Holy Spirit in operation.
Visiting Ministries
A Vineyard church in Seville (about three hours away) has taken it upon themselves to cleave to us as a sister church. So several times they have visited us in our Sunday morning services with as many as 16 members of their congregation.
Recently they visited us with fourteen Vineyard Pastors from the east coast of the United States. They ministered the Word and shared testimonies and songs of worship and praise. Afterwards they prayed for members of our congregation ministering in healing and prophetic words.
City Wide Week Long Prayer Meeting
A few months ago I got together with the other pastors of the city together and arranged a week of prayer for the state of the family in our city. Also present at the meeting was my friend, Miguel Angel, the Catholic priest. We arranged for prayer to be held for one evening in each of the Evangelical churches as well as one evening in the Catholic church; a total of six nights of united prayer for the families of our city.
Miguel Angel informed the Catholic Bishop of the prayer meetings and the Bishop ordered him to make a full color brochure announcing the meetings. He had a featured photo of Gina and me in a prominent place on the flyer in representation of the Evangelical pastors. The Bishop then ordered that the flyers be distributed in all of the Catholic churches and promoted as a “must attend” event.
The Bishop came to one of the evenings of prayer and spent the entire time praying with Gina and me. We had about 150 gathered in our church for evening prayer and worship and praise and about a bit less than half of those in attendance were Catholics! Now what I want you to understand is, that this is something that we have never been seen in Spain before! Just a few years ago being an Evangelical pastor meant jail time!
Now, frequently when I walk down the street, older Spanish men and women warmly greet me and recognize me as the “Evangelical Pastor” that their priests approve of and recommend! What a blessing! Let me tell you, that even if you don’t fully agree with someone, it is FAR BETTER to have friends than enemies and it has really facilitated our effective Christian witness here! Just about my whole life has been dedicated to reaching Catholics for Christ and this is really helping me do it!
Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero, Mexico
April 29th, I will be traveling back to Mexico for a week of ministry for the first time in many years. Our church there, “Centro de Nueva Vida”, is now 23 years old and has just finished the construction of a, sorely needed, new sanctuary. They have asked us, as the founding fathers and apostles of the work there, to come and dedicate and to give a series of leadership conferences.
Thank You
We also want to keep you aware that the declining health of the dollar has severely affected our financial support. It has gone down more than 35% since the beginning of the year and has presented quite a financial challenge for us. We really need the prayerful financial support that you, so lovingly, give to our ministry. We would also like to encourage those that have not given to our ministry before to please pray about financially supporting our efforts to reach Spain for Christ.
Please know that we do thank you so much for all of your prayers and loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your generosity! As always, you are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply value you all!
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker