September - December 2007
Merry Christmas and greetings In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dear Prayer Partners,
We are always busy, but we’ve been extra busy the last couple of months because we’ve moved into our brand new Ministry Centre! But before I get to that I want to share some exciting testimonies.
Miraculous Healing
A little over a month ago I received a distressing phone call from Pedro and Maria, a family of our congregation. Pedro’s brother, a (57 year old) non believer, had just suffered a massive heart attack. When I arrived at the hospital the man had been resuscitated after having been clinically dead for twenty minutes. They informed the family that even though they were able to revive him, it was to no avail; that he, most surely, was severely brain damaged and was in a deep comatose state.
God spoke a word of faith into my heart and I spoke it to them. “Fear not. Only believe. Lazarus was dead for four days and Jesus raised him up and Lazarus was NOT brain damaged when Jesus healed him! This man was in his coma for two and a half weeks with the doctors giving worse prognostications every day. But God had clearly spoken to me so I continued to repeat the words of faith to them and to all who spoke of the incident.
Well, Praise God! This man woke up from his coma and began to speak and clearly answer every question asked him by the doctors and his family. Two days later he was released from the hospital and sent home healed! He is yet very weak and still can’t get around on his own, but he’s alive and totally mentally competent. We believe God for his complete recovery.
Please pray for the Spaniards! These can be a very hard people to evangelize. The entire hospital staff and all of Pedro and Maria’s non Christian family recognize this as an obvious miracle from God, yet none have surrendered their lives to Him. Such is the people with whom we have to do. Religion can kill true faith and endanger the soul quicker than anything else!
University Professor
The international directors of the university through which I finally received my theological and ministerial doctorate (La Universidad Para Las Naciones – The Christian University for the Nations) called me via a multinational conference call - from California, Texas, Mexico and Guatemala – to ask – or rather urge me to accept a staff teaching position with them. (Quite an elaborate call set up - never had one like that before).
It wouldn’t do to share here all of the tremendously encouraging words they gave me and how my gift of teaching could be used in a far greater way by further preparing the leadership of the Spanish church on their Madrid campus. They also ask if I would be willing to invest in their missionary endeavors amongst the Spanish speaking Pastors in Canary Islands, England, Switzerland, Guinea Equatorial (Africa).
In this position I would teach those actively involved in ministry in the masters and doctorate degree programs. I give intense week long seminars and monitor the rest of their assigned work and progress “on-line”. At this point this is not a salaried position but for ministry and missions. (Most of the pastors we serve are economically disadvantaged). Right now, in Europe, they guarantee that my expenses would be covered and possibly some type of honorarium. In Africa I will probably have to cover all of my own expenses (with your help of course). I really enjoy teaching in an academic environment. I also praise God that this blessing in no wise interferes with our ministry here in Cáceres.
Ministry Centre
Our move into the Ministry centre has occasioned our greatest monthly operating costs to date. We have practically depleted all of the finances we had set aside for these expenses.
We moved in about a month ago. Unlike construction in the USA, here they turn the buildings over to you without kitchen facilities or lighting fixtures and many other common necessities. Most of the Spaniards just take them out and put in what they want anyway so construction companies just quit putting them in. So we’ve been very busy getting the place up to acceptable living and occupancy conditions. Along with the expense of the moving company, we’ve also had to do all of the set up contracts with the electric, gas, water, telephone and internet companies. We’ve had to put closets in the bedrooms and floors in my office and the multipurpose room and many other details; all in all quite an expensive endeavor.
Praise God! We now have adequate living space for ourselves, our missionary trainees, guest ministers (or ministries); room for cell meetings or even medium sized church gatherings. There is still so much more to be done – but then again, that’s true about everything here!
Visiting Ministries
Right off the bat we began to fulfill one of the basic purposes for the centre, to house and host our many visitors and guests. Three days after we moved in we had our first guest (we weren’t even unpacked or adequately set up yet). For two weeks we hosted three servants of God while they ministered in our church as well as this province and region of Spain.
Some months back I began to make plans for a couple of city wide evangelistic music concerts. I was able to invite some friends of mine who are internationally known evangelists in the Spanish speaking world: Marcelo Patrono, a musician/evangelist from Argentina and Alejandro and Pamela Alonso anointed psalmists from Calvary Chapel in Southern California.
We had our first event November 16th with Marcelo with about 120 in attendance and our second event November 30 with Alejandro y Pamela with more than 200 in attendance. Even though Spain is slow to let you see the fruit of your labor, we praise God for the large number new people that were present and that responded to the invitations.
Please keep us In Your Prayers!
In conclusion, we just want to bring our financial situation to your prayerful attention. This year the dollar has been fighting a losing battle with the euro and our support has been down. This is the lowest we’ve seen the dollar since 1992. Just to give you an idea of how things are: Milk is over $5.00 a gallon and gasoline is more than $7.50 a gallon.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and loving support of our ministry and may God continue to bless you for your generosity! As always, you are a matchless BLESSING to our lives and the lives of countless others that you help us to reach for Christ! We love and deeply value you all!
Dr. & Mrs. Prince M. Parker